September 26, 2018 08:30PM
I pride myself in not being 'too' oversensitive. I'm not immune, by any means... but I do my best. But I have to admit that I HATE meme's of this sort:

Picture of a child with down syndrome and the words: "Because I have down syndrome I can't get even one like or share". I understand what is being attempted here... and it's not malicious... but what a terrible way to express it, IMHO. I don't know a single person in my life that has no sympathy, much less dislike, for people struggling through ANY physical affliction... or for that matter a little puppy who needs to be adopted but 'can't get one like or share'.

Those meme's come off to me as pronouncing the majority of the world's population as despotic and vile human beings... and that is NOT my experience.

Too oversensitive on my part? Probably... because, and as I said, I know those meme's aren't posted maliciously... but never the less they bother me.

That's my rant today... I will now return to my regular programming. - JamesJM

Well you specifically and directly asked for a lecture, and in particular you nominated me to do it. So I reluctantly comply. cool smiley

Usually if you see something like that, it;s because the person who made it has directly experienced the kind of prejudice being discussed.

In our own worlds we know good people. But not everyone is in that position.


  Meme's I hate, and make me a bad guy.

JamesJM280September 26, 2018 05:31AM

  They bother me..

sstrams115September 26, 2018 07:08AM

  Sorry to be out of it but

waterfield114September 26, 2018 11:13AM

  A picture with a goofy.. Attachments

sstrams139September 26, 2018 11:25AM

  I only somewhat recently found out, Waterfield...

JamesJM190September 26, 2018 05:39PM

  I am right there with you

Atlantic Ram126September 26, 2018 11:24AM

  Re: Meme's I hate, and make me a bad guy.

zn292September 26, 2018 08:30PM