July 04, 2018 10:24AM
And I'm wavering.....
Sweden vs England &
Russia vs Croatia -

Mostly Russia vs Croatia. I think, (just my personal opinion), I have seen better play from Croatia but more consistency from Russia. I could flip a coin in this match and be just as confident.

Sweden vs England - you and RamUK can help me out here... what I 'think' I'm seeing may be very wrong. England seems to me to play in a more 'traditional' manner, (hard for me to explain, I'm thinking what I 'usually' see from teams), and Sweden seems to be throwing caution to the wind... but doing it very well. I can't help thinking Sweden is going to catch England off guard with some long passing and some sporadic but incredibly frantic 'moments' of attack.

Overall I think Belgium is the only team with a 'good' chance of knocking off Brazil.. but not good enough. And if Belgium fails I can't see any other team left capable of beating them although France I give somewhat of a chance. France may have their hands full with Uruguay.

Although eliminated.... I believe the most 'entertaining' team I watched in this WC was Japan. They seem to me to be a brilliant combination of great skill, accuracy, and surprise. - JamesJM

  So the fans went to a fight and a soccer match broke out....

JamesJM198July 03, 2018 12:36PM


ferragamo79111July 03, 2018 12:51PM

  My preliminary picks....

JamesJM84July 03, 2018 01:02PM


ferragamo7988July 03, 2018 04:57PM

  Sadly not

RamUK89July 04, 2018 04:27AM

  And this... a 'who I am rooting for' pick list...

JamesJM88July 03, 2018 01:07PM

  The two I'm least sure about...

JamesJM114July 04, 2018 10:24AM

  Did you hear: Japan cleaned stadium and locker room

ferragamo79148July 04, 2018 02:01PM

  Yes, I heard about that and...

JamesJM76July 04, 2018 08:44PM