August 08, 2017 09:58AM
It's official... the cut-off year for me helping one of my grandkids with his math homework is the 1st grade. In Kindergarten I can hang, usually... sure, I'll stumble here and there but can ALWAYS keep up the pretense of understanding and convince the kid I do understand.

By the 1st grade, however... mid term maybe, it will dawn on the 1st grader that I'm blowing hot air.

By the time they are in the 4th, maybe the 5th, grade they will begin looking at me condescendingly and start to ask me how I survived and graduated, (sorry, got promoted), beyond 8th grade.

By High School time they simply regard me as amusement.

And one more point... and I want you to be HONEST... no hot air. When you hand a toddler a smartphone and they instinctively know how to use the damn thing.. including finding settings in moments that you had been searching to find since the smartphone was invented.... do you smile with pride OR - like me, does it just piss you off to no end? - JamesJM

  When your 7 yr old kid, or grandkid, is better at math than you are...

JamesJM273August 08, 2017 09:58AM