July 01, 2017 08:35PM
Seems every week "Alien Hunters" find evidence of Alien life on Mars by looking at NASA Mars surface photos. Today another. Apparently Mars is a giant junkyard of discarded Alien refuse. laughing smiley Sorry, not really trying to be sarcastic here... for those of you who do think all these things are 'proof' more power to you.

But I do have one big question I've never been able to find an answer to that also seems 'logical'. WHAT benefits would the govt., or NASA, get from 'hiding' Alien life proof? Answers to this always seem to eventually regress to: "It's for our own good". Ehhhh, not sure I buy that.

For NASA it seems far more logical to me to announce any possibility of alien life with a 76 Trombone parade... struggling for funds this announcement would flood them with money.

The Govt. "Tech" Advantage... IOW... kept secret so governments can study alien craft in hopes of acquiring advanced tech so they can conquer the world.... I dunno. I mean.. if they've been studying the Roswell Spaceship, (No, I don't believe in the Roswell Spaceship), since what? 1947? And haven't figure it out yet then I don't have high hopes for them ever learning much.... BUT, we get better every day so who knows?

Now the saddest part of my post. My entire life I've always thought the discovery of alien life would be the most momentous event in mankind's history. I no longer think that. In fact.... bacteria, or one-celled life being discovered now seems to me a 'given'... and when it happens, (if it does), I'll LIKE it, but I won't be amazed. Now intelligent life.. YES.. that would be mind blowing. - JamesJM

Plus of course it;s not even really directly the government on Mars. NASA oversees a civilian space program that depends upon teams of non-governmental scientists. Russia, Europe and India have all sent probes of different kinds to Mars (mostly orbital).

Under those conditions it would be pretty hard to keep a secret.

Plus I agree about the motives. Nothing is gained by secrecy on an issue like that.


  Couple thoughts about Aliens... on Mars...

JamesJM487June 30, 2017 10:34AM

  There IS life on Mars

waterfield236June 30, 2017 12:03PM

  Mars is a planet entirely populated by alien robots

ArizonaRamFan295July 01, 2017 04:07PM

  Every so often I check up on Voyager....

JamesJM209July 02, 2017 05:34AM

  Re: Couple thoughts about Aliens... on Mars...

zn230July 01, 2017 08:35PM

  There does seem to be some evidence....

HighPlainsDrifter252July 05, 2017 12:13PM


JamesJM173July 05, 2017 12:18PM

  but that's not life

zn196July 05, 2017 02:27PM