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Re: My two cents on Wonder Woman..

June 14, 2017 03:19AM
I have not seen the movie. No doubt I will not.. until it's out on DVD. That's no statement on the movie itself, it's just me.

BUT.. I think I'm enjoying this movie more by NOT seeing it.. reading the reviews.

Without a doubt this must be an entertaining movie because EVERYONE wants to comment about it. Therein' the 'mystery'.. it's either LOVE or HATE. I don't think I've read a single comment in the 'middle of the road' vein.

Seems to be 'fabulous' or 'bust'... no middle ground.

And I'm speaking of EVERY aspect of the movie.. storyline, acting, cinematography, the works.

So here's my plan... status quo.. not see it until it's out on iTunes, or NetFlix, or Amazon Prime, or wherever in the hell it becomes available... and UNTIL then, sit back and watch the debates. - JamesJM

I haven't seen any debates on it, myself. Just pretty much universal acknowledgement that it did a good job. So for example on Rotten Tomatoes it's at 93%, which is a rare high critical consensus. Not sure what there would be to hate about it. That sounds like some people with preconceived agendas that have nothing to do with the film and so they're reacting to something other than the film itself. I will say this--you have to be more or less okay with the superhero genre to be interested in it. Not all people are. (Just as not everyone has interest in horror or Bond films or Star Wars etc.)

Just to be personal for the heck of it and leaving controversies aside, my own connection to the superhero genre is that my daughter and I always go to them together. This is her from a young age through to now. So for example when Iron Man came out she was 14. We pick one or 2 a year and go and have fun with them. Her generation is especially responsive to the genre, and I grew up reading the comics. In terms of just "well done" I would rate WW as one of the best, right up there with The Dark Knight Rises and the 2nd X Man and the 2nd Spiderman and the first Avengers.

  My two cents on Wonder Woman..

JamesJM604June 13, 2017 08:19PM

  Re: My two cents on Wonder Woman..

zn230June 14, 2017 03:19AM

  Yeah, that seems true...

JamesJM218June 14, 2017 04:35AM

  I represent the small minority

Atlantic Ram235June 14, 2017 08:16AM

  About your personal info...

JamesJM222June 14, 2017 06:31AM

  Re: About your personal info...

zn222June 14, 2017 07:40AM