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Disney buying Doctor Who , well , kinda sorta

November 13, 2022 06:53AM
They actually just bought the streaming rights of the show outside of the UK for" NEW" Doctor Who shows

doesn't sound like Disney will have any actual creative control for the show , as it is still under the BBC ( but come on , you're not going to pump 100 million dollars into a show , without having at least some say in , at least behind closed doors )

but, the budget of each show just went up 10X , from a budget of about 1.5 million per episode , to around 11.5 million per show

I believe all older episodes streaming of Doctor Who will remain were they are , but all future episodes outside of the UK , will only be found on Disney Plus


  Disney buying Doctor Who , well , kinda sorta

IowaRam205November 13, 2022 06:53AM

  That will be nice.

BlueRidgeHorns157November 14, 2022 01:59PM