Stumbled across this 90's show on TubiTV. And since IMDB had it ranked at8.1, we started watching to see what it was about. We absolutely love this show. I would rank it as one of my favorite shows ever. I like it because it doesn't glamorize the life of policemen/firemen/EMT's. It was filmed in NYC and it's gritty and pretty dang realistic. The show was on for 6 seasons and each season had 22 episodes. Nowadays a season is 8-10 episodes. How times have changed. Anyhow, we only have about 7 episodes to go in season 6 before finishing the whole thing. One of the most powerful episodes in the series was season 3, episode 1 "In Their Own Words". It was taped just a few weeks after 9/11. The actors were on camera only for a few minutes. There was no script. Instead, the episode featured actual NYC first responders talking to the camera about that day. It was emotional, impactful and riveting. A lot of other episodes in the series were as well, but this one was unique.
Recently we watched The Booth at the End (intriguing and thought-provoking). Right now we are watching Longmire and the Chicago universe (P.D., Med, and Fire). It's a lot when you start from the beginning which is what we did. And then on my own, I've added The Pitt, and Downton Abbey.