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I'm probably among the few Cubs fans who never cared much for this guy.

June 05, 2024 07:26AM
[www.facebook.com] I always called him SamME Sosa. He was juiced up most of his career, used corked bats and cared ONLY about HR stats. I cannot tell you how many times I saw him whiff in very key at bats when all that was needed was simple contact. That's why I STILL call Dawson a favorite. That man sacrificed power, OFTEN, to win games. The very final straw with me and Sosa was when he was in a 2 for almost 50something slump and he pouted and hinted at a trade demand after he was dropped from 4th to 6th in the lineup.

  I'm probably among the few Cubs fans who never cared much for this guy.

Ramgator84June 05, 2024 07:26AM