Now this was all new to me. As I said, Guido is staying at a kennel while we're gone. Yesterday we had to take Guido in for a.....ummmm, I don't know what they call it? A "test' to see if he could stay in the Kennel. Took him in in the morning and brought him home yesterday afternoon. They tested him, or did whatever it is they do... THEN....
Last night sent us a report card saying he passed and he could stay. They graded him on 3 things. 1. Appetite 2. Behavior 3 My Day... I have no idea what the difference is between behavior and "my day". Guido got 'excellent' for Behavior and My Day but just OK for appetite. They said he's a picky eater... which didn't bother us at all because he's like that at home Guido never woofs food down... instead he'll take a few pieces, go somewhere quiet, play with it for a while, then slowly chew it. I know, I know... I'm not even sure he's a dog. Hell, I eat faster than Guido.
His report card surprised me... because they made no mention of him humping the receptionists leg when he arrived. I thought that would be an auto fail but apparently morals in the year 2024 have changed. - JamesJM