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April 07, 2024 10:51PM
Know the game? I wrote about it many, many, many years ago. I haven't played in several years. I hid a few geocaches over the years then retired them.... except one.

I had forgotten about it. If you don't know what geocaching is - it's little 'treasures', (can be big or very small), that you hide, (concealed well), and then mark the location with GPS. You post it on the Geocaching website and people search for it. Got a notice today that my 'forgotten about' geocache had been found today. I'm AMAZED that they found it... for many reasons.

First... I live in the boonies so only hardcore geocachers come out into the sticks this far to find a meaningless treasure. Secondly.... the last time it was found was 7 years ago! And lastly.... it's been raining a lot here and the geocache location is NOT accessible, (by vehicle) due to mud. Whoever found it had to walk in.... and it's over ½ mile from a paved road. That was one dedicated geocacher!!!

Timing of this was surprising because I was just planning a geocaching expedition a few days ago. As I said I haven't played in a long time, yearS.... and since I played a lot of new geocaches have been hidden somewhat nearby - and so I thought my youngest grandson, and his best friend, would like a little adventure. So -

I'm noting some easy to find geocaches in a nearby town... then for fun a couple of more difficult to find geocaches. The caches are rated... 1 to 5 stars for difficulty of access... (5 being the hardest).... and 1 to 5 stars for how well it's hidden. Geocachers can be incredibly clever in concealing their geocaches. To give you an idea.... many years ago I found one that was hidden in this way:

First... the GPS coordinates give you the 'approximate' location. Can be dead on or could be in a much broader area. This geocache was in a fence post. They had somehow cut out a square piece of wood from the wooden fence post then bored a hole to put the cache in. They then reinserted the square piece they had cut out which had an old rusted nail in it.... (the fence post itself was probably put in the ground back in the 1930's, or earlier). They then added some type of sealant to disguise the cut mark and painted it to match the fence post color. You had to pull the old nail to remove it and nab the cache. Took me well over an hour to find it.... fun as hell. laughing smiley - JamesJM


JamesJM160April 07, 2024 10:51PM


txramfan48April 08, 2024 03:40AM


ferragamo7944April 11, 2024 07:35AM

  On a side note

ferragamo7949April 11, 2024 05:41PM

  Most are very easy to find....

JamesJM31April 11, 2024 09:52PM

  on a side note Jimmy...ever ride up in the Northern Ca foothills

ferragamo7950April 12, 2024 07:58AM

  off highway 20

ferragamo7955April 12, 2024 01:58PM

  Many times....

JamesJM36April 12, 2024 03:08PM

  Hey hook he up with how to find them and I'll find them..

sstrams49April 12, 2024 10:18AM

  I checked....there is one in Billy Bob's garage

ferragamo7948April 12, 2024 01:59PM

  Oh, you sneaky guy, you..

sstrams37April 12, 2024 03:03PM