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Related Post..... puppy pooping...

June 20, 2023 11:52AM
specifically... in the house. Doesn't happen often but it does happen. Now you're going to think I'm going off on a tangent with this next paragraph but I'm not... you'll see why from the first sentence in this next paragraph IF you have experience with this:

Anyone else get those frozen Pot Stickers from your grocery store? I have a grandson that LOVES them. He eats 15 at a time (for comparison I can barely get down 4). You know where I'm headed with this if you've ever cooked those Pot Stickers.

They taste great. I like them as well. While cooking, however, they smell so bad you almost have to fumigate your home after cooking them. And I am NOT exaggerating... and they magically mimic every foul smell known to man.... I cannot tell if Guido has placed a turd in a some well hidden location or if my grandson is cooking Pot Stickers.

And AGAIN... NO, I am NOT exaggerating. Cross my heart and hope to die I can't tell the difference between a dog turd and a cooking pot sticker!

Before we got Guido I confused cooking pot stickers to a large mammal dead and decaying somewhere in the kitchen... but odiferous throughout my home.

You know it occurs to me that I've never read the ingredient label of the frozen pot stickers.... hmmmm, just what in the HELL do they put in those things? Well, like I said, they taste great so maybe I'm better off not knowing. - JamesJM

  Guido Training.. Phase II.... Attachments

JamesJM125June 20, 2023 11:40AM

  Related Post..... puppy pooping...

JamesJM55June 20, 2023 11:52AM

  Man I love those things..

sstrams67June 20, 2023 01:05PM