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I haven't seen it....

March 11, 2023 07:17AM
Saw a blurb about it somewhere, I forget where... but didn't read it.

I went back to reading a few days ago. I was cleaning out a drawer and found a paperback buried under some old T-Shirts. Dean Koontz book. VERY long... so I began reading it -

About 25 pages in I began to realize I had read this before... but for some very strange reason I couldn't remember the story... and I can't remember if I ever finished it. I do that, occasionally - that is I'll start a book and not finish it. So I looked at the spine to see if it showed those cracks indicating how much of the book I read whenever it was that I began reading it BUT... I couldn't really tell... so I kept reading it.... thinking "It will come to me"..... but now I'm 200+ pages in and even though I'm remember most of it as I read it, (not beforehand), I still can't remember if I ever finished it! It's a mystery... never did anything like this before. So I guess it doesn't matter if I read it all before... if I can't remember the ending it will be a surprise once again, right? laughing smiley

  Last night's movie: Jesus Revolution.. No spoilers.

sstrams207March 11, 2023 05:13AM

  Tonight's movie will be Creed III..

sstrams91March 11, 2023 06:59AM

  Creed III definitely not bad.. No real spoilers

sstrams111March 12, 2023 05:17AM

  I haven't seen it....

JamesJM92March 11, 2023 07:17AM

  Hopefully, yeah..

sstrams91March 11, 2023 07:39AM

  Hey, that's interesting....

JamesJM117March 11, 2023 07:51AM

  You get to know the book quite well..

sstrams104March 11, 2023 08:37AM