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Re: Enough with Wolford

December 04, 2022 02:30PM
Noodle arm.
Missed an easy as they come 75 yard TD to Tutu who had his man beaten by 10 yards.
Plus that missed TD in the first half to Tutu, throw was too high though Tutu could have dragged his foot to stay inbound.

Wolfords legs are not as good as Perkins and his arm is weaker too. So many examples again today he just does not have it.

What we saw today is what you get with him.
I would rather go down with Perkins and see if he can improve.

Hoecht a pleasant surprise and Durant showed he has the speed Kendricks does not have to play cb .

Go RAms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is McVay thinking? Instead of giving Bryce Perkins the rest of the season to develop....he benches him for a guy who can barely see over the line of scrimmage and can't throw more than 25 yards down field. If Perkins played against the soft Seahawks defense today at home....he would have probably ran for over 100 yards....Rams would have won the game. Perkins goes into Arrowhead stadium and played his first game in a cold, hostile environment against a top playoff defense and throws a TD pass.....yet they bench him. Wolford has yet to throw a TD pass in his 3 starts.

  Enough with Wolford

dodgerram167December 04, 2022 02:20PM

  Noodle Arm?? How bout our NOODLE "Defense"?

Ramgator92December 04, 2022 02:28PM

  Re: Noodle Arm?? How bout our NOODLE "Defense"?

RamsAl4891December 04, 2022 02:37PM

  Re: Noodle Arm?? How bout our NOODLE "Defense"?

SoCalRAMatic83December 04, 2022 02:40PM

  Rams scored 23. MUST they score 30+ to have a chance???

Ramgator63December 04, 2022 02:45PM

  Re: Enough with Wolford

RamsAl4870December 04, 2022 02:30PM