October 30, 2022 03:41PM
He is not a master tactician or a HOF level QB and will not win consistenty enough with failing Talent around him.

He was perfect for our 1 and done SB season. We will pay for that to a few years and the brashness of our all in approach will need to be matched and exceeded to rebuild and retool this team as quickly as possible.

Hopefully we have the guts to start before trade deadline.

Los Angeles Rams

Rap on.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2022 03:43PM by BumRap.

  Stafford is plenty talented

BumRap182October 30, 2022 03:41PM

  Re: Stafford is plenty talented

The_Zone66October 30, 2022 03:52PM