the one contest that will get me watching faster than any other is 'fastest man'. To me that's the gold star.. across all sports. Granted it's mostly 'born with it or too bad'.... even though today's training techniques can help I believe it's still 'ya got it or you don't'.
I remembering watching Ron Brown, (my guy), go against Darrell Green and my anticipation was equal to watching a SB.... I can't explain to you how badly I wanted Ron to win that match-up.... but Darrell Green was a bolt of lightening.
Mind if I bring up a pet peeve? Over the years I have found this to be not just common but "THE RULE" - - - that an offensive guy breaking away deep for a TD would be praised like a God for his speed while on that very same play a DB, (never named), would be gaining on him like a cheetah on a wart hog.... but not quite catch the receiver before the end zone.
Just a wild guess but if the top 10 fastest men who ever played in the NFL were known, (for sure known), 8 of them would be defensive players. - JamesJM