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Re: I Think I Get The Strategy Now

May 01, 2021 04:34PM
I'm not saying that I agree with what they did, but I think they probably had a handful of players identified that, unfortunately, didn't make it to them.

After that happened, I think they decided to just load up on picks, and pick developmental players with certain attributes that they felt were good fits. I think they decided that, rather than settle on players for which they had only lukewarm interest.

  I Think I Get The Strategy Now

Classicalwit909May 01, 2021 02:25PM

  I think they look to free agency to acquire great players

ferragamo79333May 01, 2021 02:31PM

  Maybe a center and tackle this summer?

NewMexicoRam224May 01, 2021 02:34PM

  I wonder who will be a free agent LT

ferragamo79189May 01, 2021 02:36PM

  Re: Maybe a center and tackle this summer?

Leoram195May 01, 2021 02:37PM

  I know that I know nothing

ferragamo79164May 01, 2021 02:38PM

  Re: Maybe a center and tackle this summer?

JimYoungblood53139May 01, 2021 05:23PM

  Re: Maybe a center and tackle this summer?

21Dog222May 01, 2021 09:15PM

  Re: I Think I Get The Strategy Now

Classicalwit305May 01, 2021 04:34PM

  Re: I Think I Get The Strategy Now

dzrams240May 01, 2021 04:56PM