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There was no keeping this quiet

January 28, 2021 02:25PM
They can't come out and say what they think of him. Just like them talking up Tavon Austin after moving him for a ham sandwich. Snead let it out there (as the Rams probably planned) just enough for teams to know it's real. Now it's about not shooting that horse before you trade it for the best deal you can get.

Well that sure is an ass backwards way of doing biz when all you have to do is make a few phone calls without shooting the horse like they already did

I'm sure teams are already well aware of his winning record

The whole thing is a bit strange to say the least regardless of their motives at this point

And I don't feel like they shot the horse. Teams knew there was something going on with Goff and McVay, and the teams who played us and saw the games this season he struggled in knew why something was going on.

They don't have all the info though and the Rams are a tight ship. All they know right now is that Goff is a rhythm passer who is very sensitive to being disrupted by pressure. But they also know he's tougher than he looks, and he has played at a high level when things are good around him.

His value is going to be down because of the last two seasons but teams are optimists with QBs who might be an upgrade. There's gonna be one or two teams that want him but if not the worst case is Goff returns and I'm fine with that. I like the idea of an angry Goff competing in camp. I think that anger and this whole situation might wake him up.

  Another Snead Interview: Jared Goff, his psyche & more

Ram49579January 28, 2021 09:56AM

  Re: Another Snead Interview: Jared Goff, his psyche & more

Rampage2K-247January 28, 2021 10:32AM

  Oops, thanks for fixing

Ram49171January 28, 2021 12:17PM

  They're trying to build his value

merlin207January 28, 2021 12:42PM

  Re: They're trying to build his value

Rampage2K-188January 28, 2021 01:13PM

  There was no keeping this quiet

merlin139January 28, 2021 02:25PM