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problem is the offense has not played a complete game yet on offense...

October 28, 2019 07:19AM
They have a good drive or two then penalties, negative runs, etc stop momentum...unlike the last 2yrs.
McVay and Goff are bot kinda "off" in their play-calling & Goff's passing decisions and accuracy.

They've shown the ability to do both at a very high level for two straight seasons...but this year...we get a great drive and then an avg drive/punt...then a stinker series 3&Out. We can only play with the big boys when we get that reined in & reduce the little penalties that disrupt our consistency. Goff is making some good throws...and then makes some maddening throws off balance and into triple/quadruple coverage. The main thing I see is Goff is throwing LATE on many deeper routes...the timing is off on Goff's part. imo Goff does NOT have the arm strength to make those mid/deeper out throws to throw late. Dalton does...Goff does not....and it showed. Goff is not stepping into his throws and getting power behind it and his balls are stalling. imo Too many chances for INTs.

It's amazing that we have won as many games as we have cuz the offense is operating at 60% of it's capacity. imo

Also, sorry, but Reynolds is a STUD...he has his weaknesses but he comes in and just is solid everytime he plays We'll get a 3rd round comp for him if we let him walk I think. Fowler too would net us a 3rd rounder. OBO has been very very active on the EDGE and I'm so glad he's getting time to prove he's worthhy of more playing time. Natrez would be next on my list to watch....I would also like to see JPolite get some time on the EDGE also if he;'s not cut and sent packing. Obo and Polite have the same type of EDGE college film and look promising. The head case part of Polite is where the issue is and he may not be salvageable. nw...just cut bait and move on.

"L'audace, l'audace. Toujours l'audace!"

  Rams could run the table and win the Division if...

L.A.Rams354October 28, 2019 06:19AM

  problem is the offense has not played a complete game yet on offense...

SunTzu_vs_Camus187October 28, 2019 07:19AM