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Re: "There has to be some limit"

April 15, 2019 05:04PM
Well, I think the limit will be reached when the teams with top QB's are not winning, and the teams with a mediocre QB making a mediocre salary are able to beat them because they have so much other talent.

Do we see that happening yet?

It is an interesting question.

Which team or teams will say no to their franchise QB?

Have the Redskins already been that team when they wouldn't pay Cousins?
How's that working for them? Or for Minnesota either.

If the rules were balanced more in favor of the running game and defense, then maybe QB's wouldn't be able to command such big $$.

I will bet you that if they artificially cap QB salaries, people will try to find ways to beat that system.

My take on this is that it's really not an issue. Several teams with qbs getting anywhere from 12-15% of the cap (including the Patz) are regularly winners and/or regularly in the playoffs.

That (ie. high-paid qbs on winning teams) includes Brady, Roethlisberger, Luck, Rivers, Brees, and Wilson. In previous years, it also included Rodgers, Ryan, and Newton.

Brady's 2018 contract was 12.4% of the cap in 2018. Brees's was 13.5%. Wilson was 13.4%. And so on.

My own view is that with a younger, lower paid qb who has not yet signed a lucrative 2nd contract, you may be able to afford an extra higher paid player or 2 (and it's really no more than that), but then with the younger qb you need that. With the more experienced qb, you may have to sacrifice an extra higher paid player or 2, but the experienced veteran qb balances that--he can do more than he could when younger.

That's not a perfect formula but I think it generally holds up.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2019 05:36PM by zn.

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