December 05, 2018 12:27PM
from the Perelman Heart Institute in New York

"“Our body’s ability to control temperature or thermo-regulate does involve blood circulation. In the cold, the small blood vessels on the surface of our body get smaller to keep warm blood deeper inside. In the heat, they dilate to release heat from the body. If you have been in a warm climate for a long time and return to a cold one, it may take a little longer for your circulation to adjust.”"

  Something I have always wondered about.....why is the assumption made...

roman18869December 05, 2018 11:39AM

  Re: Something I have always wondered about.....why is the assumption made...

stlrams13291December 05, 2018 11:55AM

  The funny thing is we enjoy...

roman18258December 05, 2018 12:09PM

  Re: Something I have always wondered about.....why is the assumption made...

RinconRam323December 05, 2018 12:10PM

  Here's a partial answer

waterfield315December 05, 2018 12:27PM

  This is a real thing

EternalHorns239December 05, 2018 03:58PM

  Re: Something I have always wondered about.....why is the assumption made...

Coy Bacon262December 05, 2018 06:01PM

  works the same with heat too

LMU93186December 06, 2018 05:30AM

  Re: It's all of us Southern California guys....

oldschoolramfan242December 06, 2018 05:05AM