May 25, 2018 03:40PM
Sorry to hear this. Always enjoyed reading his views and responses. One of the core posters on this board for years. Thoughts and prayers go out to friends and family. RIP.

  Any word on GRITS Service....RIP Attachments

ramithard693May 25, 2018 05:16AM

  Re: Any word on GRITS Service....RIP

Rampage2K-397May 25, 2018 09:01AM

  Re: Any word on GRITS Service....RIP

ramithard378May 25, 2018 09:22AM

  Any word on GRITS Service.. You and Rp2k are class acts

Anonymous User378May 25, 2018 09:59AM

  Re: Any word on GRITS Service....RIP

azramfan325May 25, 2018 03:40PM