August 22, 2017 06:51PM
There isn't really a boom to lower. Once the season starts, the period for fines is over.

They obviously won't pay him if he's not playing. That's it.

This comes down to, is AD willing to go the distance and not get a paycheck. At some point, he has to show up though so his contract isn't tolled.

The Rams don't have any cards to play on any of those issues though.

Here's what I meant by my lower the boom reference, dz.

If AD continues to hold out into the regular season, that is.

Enforce the fines 100%.
No renegotiation talks until next offseason. Period.
Pay him only for games he actually plays (minus fines).
Publicly seek trade talks. Execute one if it's advantageous.
"Leak" a few details of the contract offered to AD that he rejected.
Rinse and repeat next offseason, if necessary.

They should not, under any circumstances, even hint that they want to cave to this extortion.

The time for worrying about hurt feelings will be past. Teach AD and his danged agents a painful and expensive lesson about negotiation hardball when one side has all the leverage. A lesson so severe that few will be tempted to try something like this in the future.

Yeah, it will probably alienate AD to the point that he no longer wants to be a Ram. Oh, well... For all practical purposes, he isn't one currently, anyway.

Send him the message.

There are bigger issues at stake here than whether AD plays for this team this year, or not.

That's one way to go. If they think that they won't be able to work anything out with him, that's probably the way to go.

But if there is a chance they can work things out, it smacks of an emotional overreaction.

I've read reports from player agents that the reasons teams don't usually do this is because, when you have a great player, who is viewed as a leader, all of the other players are watching how the team treats him.

Why do you think the Rams are going out of their way to be respectful?

You mention bigger issues. That is absolutely right.

Probably the biggest from a business perspective is how it would hurt the Rams future team building efforts. Good luck on attracting free agents after such a play.

Other considerations. If you poison the well with you player, you sabotage his trade value. At some point, the relationship will become irreparably broken. When that happens, teams will circle the wagon like sharks. Good luck getting a 1st at that point.

Emotional strategies such as this usually backfire.

  Let's Just Say Donald Misses Multiple Games

RamFanInPA848August 22, 2017 05:12PM

  My thoughts are that what the Rams won't give him...

Saguaro451August 22, 2017 05:21PM

  Re: My thoughts are that what the Rams won't give him...

Rams43397August 22, 2017 05:30PM

  Re: My thoughts are that what the Rams won't give him...

dzrams383August 22, 2017 06:03PM

  Re: My thoughts are that what the Rams won't give him...

Rams43510August 22, 2017 06:22PM

  So unfortunate

NewMexicoRam468August 22, 2017 06:38PM

  Re: Got it...the old cut off the nose to spite the face strategy

dzrams369August 22, 2017 06:51PM

  dz, my old friend.

Saguaro356August 22, 2017 07:06PM

  Re: dz, my old friend.

9-99358August 22, 2017 07:31PM

  Re: LOL...

dzrams342August 22, 2017 08:36PM

  Re: Got it...the old cut off the nose to spite the face strategy

Rams43320August 22, 2017 07:44PM

  Re: Got it...the old cut off the nose to spite the face strategy

dzrams261August 22, 2017 08:35PM

  Re: Got it...the old cut off the nose to spite the face strategy

Rams43322August 23, 2017 05:30AM

  Re: Got it...the old cut off the nose to spite the face strategy

dzrams334August 23, 2017 07:53AM

  Re: Got it...the old cut off the nose to spite the face strategy

Rams43255August 23, 2017 08:46AM

  Re: My thoughts are that what the Rams won't give him...

VANRAM268August 22, 2017 11:07PM

  Actually, I Agree With You

RamFanInPA447August 22, 2017 05:32PM

  Re: My thoughts are that what the Rams won't give him...

Rampage2K-335August 22, 2017 05:44PM

  Question on contract?

Ramsfan1971354August 22, 2017 06:52PM

  Re: Question on contract?

Rampage2K-323August 22, 2017 07:03PM

  Re: Question on contract?

Ramsfan1971407August 22, 2017 07:23PM

  Re: Let's Just Say Donald Misses Multiple Games

SalsaRama381August 22, 2017 08:44PM

  Re: Let's Just Say Donald Misses Multiple Games

Rampage2K-253August 22, 2017 09:30PM

  I Didn't Say It's About Being a Winner.

SalsaRama346August 23, 2017 12:45AM

  is it?

zn288August 23, 2017 03:49AM

  Re: is it?

Rampage2K-249August 23, 2017 08:58AM

  Re: is it?

bigjimram21267August 23, 2017 01:14PM

  Re: Let's Just Say Donald Misses Multiple Games

BeachBoy318August 23, 2017 02:23AM

  Don't think the Rams could get more than a 1st round pick.

RockRam343August 23, 2017 02:34AM

  disagree, RR...AD is unique...

SunTzu_vs_Camus282August 23, 2017 08:37AM

  deal AD to the Browns for their next 2 #1s

SunTzu_vs_Camus338August 23, 2017 08:35AM