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The place looks like your classical Old Money Hangout

June 28, 2017 12:34PM
Besides the actual show, How was it? Did I miss anything exciting? How was the set up and atmosphere?

Let us know thanks!

Plush to the max in a 1930s way. Beautiful like a mansion that a Rockefeller would have owned.
Every floor is plush. The stair cases are plush and carpeted. Wood on all the walls. Mirrors all over the place. Huge conference rooms, huge banquet rooms, Outstanding looking bars that a President would drink in.

The free beer was flowing. The free horderves was flowing. Large schrimp, broiled chicken on a stick, small shredded beef sandwhiches, small enough to fit two in your hand. And they had a cash bar for the hard stuff.

Wall to wall Rams fans wearing their jerseys.


  Attended screening of All or Nothing LA Rams

GreatRamNTheSky766June 28, 2017 08:48AM

  Re: Attended screening of All or Nothing LA Rams

Rampage2K-278June 28, 2017 10:17AM

  The place looks like your classical Old Money Hangout

GreatRamNTheSky318June 28, 2017 12:34PM

  Re: The place looks like your classical Old Money Hangout

zn326June 28, 2017 12:52PM

  Re: The place looks like your classical Old Money Hangout

GreatRamNTheSky238June 29, 2017 05:46AM