January 09, 2017 10:25AM
Interesting that GW was snatched before Gus or Wade. I for one am glad he's moving on ... not necessarily due to performance ... but I want all of the Fisher culture gone.

Couldn't agree more on that. I'm not sad to see Williams go, I just want to get a really good replacement.

  Rams will completely overhaul staff with DC Gregg Williams gone

RamBill940January 09, 2017 04:44AM

  I personally want Williams gone but

Rams_81413January 09, 2017 05:55AM

  Re: I personally want Williams gone but

Classicalwit291January 09, 2017 04:39PM

  Re: yep...this is going to be a huge challenge

Speed_Kills420January 09, 2017 07:31AM

  Re: So, do we stay 4-3.....or go to a 3-4 defense?

oldschoolramfan375January 09, 2017 08:28AM

  We have the best 3 technique in the league; Rams will stay a 4-3

RockRam328January 09, 2017 08:38AM

  Re: That's why i brought this up......

oldschoolramfan310January 09, 2017 08:42AM

  Probably no HC who demands a 3-4 will be considered.

RockRam351January 09, 2017 08:44AM

  Re: Kevin alluded to that.....

leafnose271January 09, 2017 11:32AM

  Titans play a 3-4 hybrid that employs a full tiem 3-tech

Blue and Gold427January 09, 2017 08:58AM

  Re: So, do we stay 4-3.....or go to a 3-4 defense?

RamJr277January 09, 2017 09:35AM

  Re: Another major spot to fill

RamsFanSinceLA285January 09, 2017 09:56AM

  Re: Another major spot to fill

LARams17348January 09, 2017 09:58AM

  Re: Another major spot to fill

RamsFanSinceLA317January 09, 2017 10:25AM

  Re: Another major spot to fill

RamJr330January 09, 2017 10:01AM

  Re: Another major spot to fill

LARams17384January 09, 2017 10:03AM