December 07, 2016 01:42PM
Is there a need to respond? Trying to defend anything going on with the Rams is a losing battle at best.

IMO Kroenke is in it for the money, for him owning sports franchises appear to be a hobby, winning championships is secondary. Others will disagree, we all have opinions, but his other teams show how he is with his investments. Get a ROI without too much "jack" being put in, he's in it for the long term too.

I believe he had a Rams move to LA planned when he first bought into the team years and years ago, he just had to bide his time until he got his chance.

Back to your original question, you can't respond other than to say something like "well, you're right, they're not very good this year" and leave it at that. You aren't going to win any argument or even spirited discussion with fans of another team.

  Rams put on auto pilot

BobCarl766December 07, 2016 01:10PM

  Re: Rams put on auto pilot

Bud Frosty458December 07, 2016 01:42PM