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Maybe history will live again

November 07, 2016 09:54AM
I wonder what Greg Williams and the defense think about Fisher and his offense.

After the 1998 season it was clear the Rams needed to improve the offense. There was a Come to Jesus meeting in LA between the front office and Dick Vermeil. It is believed that Vermeil was given a choice of agreeing to get a offensive coordinator (Martz) and let him run the offense.

Fast Forward to now.

Fisher has never had any success with the offense and it is horrible this years. Guys Fisher drafted. Greg Robinson, Tavon Austin, Todd Gurley and Havenstein and Wichman and Brown for the line.

The line cannot run block and Gurley who is a special player is having a nightmare season because of it.

Keenum is good guy and he knows what he's doing but he doesn't have the arm.

Kroenke was on that front office team that forced Vermeil's hand. If they are not going to dump Fish then I would like to see them do
what they did with Vermeil. Force him to get a real offensive coordinator who runs high powered offenses that score points.

Also I'd like to see a real GM brought in who is good at drafting talent. Especially offense.

Greg Robinson needs either be traded, let go or moved inside to guard and a new left tackle is needed.

Considering all the above. I'd rather they just fire Fisher and spend the big bucks to get Harbaugh.


  Captain Fisher will never admit when he is wrong.

sfbayram549November 07, 2016 02:40AM


GreatRamNTheSky306November 07, 2016 07:30AM

  Re: Agreed

oldschoolramfan252November 07, 2016 09:39AM

  Maybe history will live again

GreatRamNTheSky212November 07, 2016 09:54AM

  Re: You and I are on the same exact page...........

oldschoolramfan207November 07, 2016 10:26AM

  Re: Agreed

kw13215November 07, 2016 10:36AM

  Re: Agreed

bigjimram21255November 07, 2016 11:42AM