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Re: I was listening in my car

October 23, 2016 01:19PM
And why Thomas, not Cooper?

Agreeed on trying to surprise over substance. That is why Fisher is in love with his trick pony Tavon. So he can come up with a bunch of idiotic plays behind the line of scrimmage for Tavon to get 3 yards.

He should have hired a true offensive coordinator and turned ovet the reigns ala Dickie V. And Mike Martz.

But instead, Fisher will earn his title as losing-ist coach ever. EVER.

  Some Questions of this game and also going forward....

roman18521October 23, 2016 10:39AM

  Of course Goff will learn

Hazlet Hacksaw220October 23, 2016 12:17PM

  As for #2...

JamesJM212October 23, 2016 12:21PM

  not sure why Thomas in particular.......

21Dog226October 23, 2016 01:02PM

  Re: I was listening in my car

Speed_Kills388October 23, 2016 01:10PM

  Re: I was listening in my car

21Dog292October 23, 2016 01:12PM

  Re: I was listening in my car

kw13204October 23, 2016 01:19PM

  He made a nice catch on it

RFIP341October 23, 2016 01:11PM