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He is outstanding

September 25, 2016 08:26PM
I really appreciated his insights on the offensive line breakdowns......how they're affecting Gurley.

On one play with Kwon Alexander, he was all over showing how the Ram's are just blowing blocking assignment ..."must be nice to go unblocked at MLB"

  Speilman is the best color guy by far

Hazlet Hacksaw680September 25, 2016 03:40PM

  Re: Speilman is the best color guy by far

joram342September 25, 2016 04:03PM

  Glad you brought this up

RFIP374September 25, 2016 04:04PM

  Totally agree. I said it during the game. the guy is great.

max305September 25, 2016 04:17PM

  Re: Speilman is the best color guy by far

leafnose312September 25, 2016 06:17PM

  He is outstanding

Ram49310September 25, 2016 08:26PM