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Re: Wow! So at the end of this season he will be the #1 in career losses..(NM)

September 15, 2016 09:08AM
Think of it this way. Fisher will be known for something and nothing at the same time!

And at the same time, still the current LA Rams head coach flushing smiley

“The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.”

George Bernard Shaw

  Fisher: 3rd most losses in NFL history

ferragamo79741September 14, 2016 07:16PM

  Re: Fisher: 3rd most losses in NFL history

zn452September 14, 2016 07:54PM

  Re: Fisher: 3rd most losses in NFL history

bigjimram21359September 14, 2016 08:23PM

  yep and same with wins

ferragamo79307September 15, 2016 10:03AM

  Re: Fisher: 3rd most losses in NFL history. Win % = bottom 10.

guinnessram435September 15, 2016 10:54AM

  Fisher is in fantastic HoF company in that list!!!

SunTzu_vs_Camus374September 15, 2016 07:39AM

  Wow! So at the end of this season he will be the #1 in career losses..(NM)

PaulButcher59443September 15, 2016 08:19AM

  Re: Wow! So at the end of this season he will be the #1 in career losses..(NM)

MamaRAMa367September 15, 2016 09:06AM

  Re: Wow! So at the end of this season he will be the #1 in career losses..(NM)

PaulButcher59355September 15, 2016 09:08AM

  If you sort the top 50 career wins list by WINNING %

Kind of Blue/Gold342September 15, 2016 10:09AM