Hazlet Hacksaw
Lady two team not great run teams. Let’s see how they do this week. I want to believe! Plus eagles; cards bills and 48ers still to go
up to this point. I don't know if it will stay the same.
I go back to 2021 --- Rams were 7-1 and someone got on me for about taking a "wait and see" attitude for Stafford at that point.
But I knew that Stafford was prove to mimi-slumps --- then one started ... and then he recovered.
So, nothing is static ... so yeah, there are some challenges coming. I am just pointing out that the absolute disaster in terms of
run defense and bad tackling and all that seems to have subsided - not that they will stay that way every game
IMO, if I *were* to predict, there will be some letdowns but they will have some good games, too.
The key is if the letdowns are not as bad as first few weeks ... that's my hope.