I think they also had Doctor Dave Mays in camp in '72...
He was brought in as a quarterback/punter combination candidate, most reports listed him as a punter when he was signed. That was mid-June. Rookies reported three weeks later and two days later when the Rams signed another quarterback they moved David Mays from being both a QB/P to being a punter only. Then he was waived like a week later.
So, yes, you are right to bring him up.
The Rams gave him a chance but he was he was a quarterback for like 2-3 days of rookie camp, but he was on the roster as a QB/P for maybe three weeks and was a Ram for a little more than a month. Once the vets showed up, he was already a punter only ... and was gone a week later.
The guy that moved him out of QB position was Buddy Lee.
His case is interesting in that he wore a Rams helmet for a couple of weeks, but never got into a preseason game --- never wore the uniform as it were. And when he was at practice he did throw footballs for a couple-three days.
As I said, I think his case is interesting because of all of that.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2024 06:12PM by JimYoungblood53.