April 02, 2014 10:37PM
Hi Jim,
thanx a lot for answering my question .
To answer your question:
Biggest hurdle in my career was when I started out an attorneys office (over in Germany since I am half American-half German) from ground up.
It was a tough beginning to aquire clients and at the same time learning to cope with the daily administrative work at the office that comes with setting up a business (taxes, finding co-workers etc., finding and installing the needed office etc.etc.).
During that time I worked 16-18 hours a day all week but after 3 years I had a solid foundation of clients and was able to make good enough profit to earn a living for my family.
20 years later I can say though it was hard in the beginning I definetely made the right decision.

Take care

In my old room at my moms house there is still a poster of you from your rookie season with the Rams.
I will always remember the game vs the Patriots when you came in that year and threw 3 td passes to rally the Rams only to see us lose on that last second hail Mary. Geez, how time flies by.

  Hi Jim, thanks for taking the time

dodgerram1974January 19, 2014 04:00AM

  Re: Hi Jim, thanks for taking the time

JimEverett1228March 28, 2014 12:10PM

  Re: Hi Jim, thanks for taking the time

dodgerram1159April 02, 2014 10:37PM