i don't like the compensation.... i think the rams should trade coaches like they do players give sean a coach for a coach for coach player for player of sean choice an even choise or close to it, or mix or match....by VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
FISK is not in the rotation :bangheadby VANRAM - Game Time Forum
retaleation shot on hertzby VANRAM - Game Time Forum
not to mention all the NON HOLDING CALLS on the vickingsby VANRAM - Game Time Forum
theres your holding callsby VANRAM - Game Time Forum
collage football is dead and buriedby VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
time to blow up the nfl... piece of @#$%& broad castby VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
second halfs gonna be funby VANRAM - Game Time Forum
best replay sight i've found ....by VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
probably won't go there again, it's to dam depressing.... havn't gone bye to read the comment's for a week or 2by VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
made the big stop ON THE LAST DEFENCIVE STOP in overtime, JUST WHAT THE the h3ll were they waiting on. the guy has the instincts and speed we need at that position WTF....by VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
they don't call PI for the RAMSby VANRAM - Game Time Forum
fire him and all his coaches cut every player that's not a rookie and sell SoFiby VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
McVay is under paid.by VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com
IMO the RAMS think they have something special at LB and are not wasting any time putting him where they want him. .by VANRAM - RamsFootballFans.com