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Another JamesJM saga, kicked out of another bar...

July 17, 2022 09:03PM
don’t jump to conclusions.

Got a call recently from an old friend. A friend who used to play music with my band. You may remember me talking about him before as he was the one I saw while in Japan and joined him for a few tunes.

So Floyd was in town… well, not my town, but close - about 45 miles away and doing a session in a very small venue for some of his friends. He invited me.. I happily accepted.

Went and had Teppanyaki, (sp?), then my wife and I, my daughter and her husband, and my oldest grandson and his girlfriend headed over to visit with my friend and listen to his music.

Walking in I noticed a guy outside the front door of the bar we were going in. Purple hair… very common these days. We enter… head to the patio and order drinks. Floyd is setting up… spots me.. (been about 5 maybe 6 years since I last saw him), comes over and we get reacquainted. His wife is sitting at our table; she’s Japanese… lovely lady.

I think Floyd is into his 5th song, 6th and most, and a waitress walks by us and up to Floyd and begins whispering in his ear. Floyd then gets on the mic… says something like this, paraphrased.

“Well, seems like Jimmy (me) and I have been kicked out of another bar”. Floyd and I were kicked out of a bar some years ago because the crowd got rowdy.. it wasn’t our fault, we weren’t in trouble, but we had to leave. So, what the hell?

Now to this point I think the tale is rather funny… because it was… but now it gets ugly, and I’m being serious.

Minutes after we had walked thru the front door then out the back door to the patio someone went up to the poor purple headed guy, still sitting out front, and started in with some very rude and demeaning slurs against him.. I won’t go into what… but the poor kid, (he was late teens maybe), stood to defend himself and this A’hole picked him up and thru him thru the bars front window. No, we didn’t hear it happen.

to me this was attempted murder… nothing trite about going thru a plate glass window… that can kill you and kill you easily… it ain’t like the old western movies - not in real life it ain’t.
Cut him up pretty badly but nothing life threatening. The A’hole took off but the police nailed his vile ass a block away, cuffed him and took him to the slammer. The bar had to shut down.

Soooo, we went into the parking lot and talked for an hour or so then headed home.

On the way home I get a call from my granddaughter, home alone with her Mom, my daughter. “Papa, we think someone is in the house”. I panicked.. “GET OUT” I screamed in the phone but they already were… they had run out and took off in their car… safely away… so I told them to stay away.

I punch it… get home 10 minutes later and clear the house, cautiously…. I wasn’t worried… I was sure it was just a cat.

So one eventful evening. I only hope the A’hole who tossed the guy thru the window does some hard and VERY long time in prison. - JamesJM

  Another JamesJM saga, kicked out of another bar...

JamesJM132July 17, 2022 09:03PM

  So you never found evidence..

sstrams54July 18, 2022 02:21AM


JamesJM58July 18, 2022 04:37AM

  No doubt..

sstrams70July 18, 2022 04:42AM

  Can't say I blame them....

JamesJM61July 18, 2022 05:06AM

  Gotta stay well-armed...

sstrams68July 18, 2022 05:41AM