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Monk or Columbo....

June 20, 2018 06:52PM
Better TV Series... Monk or Columbo
Only registered users are allowed to vote for this poll.
3 votes were received.

Amazon Prime has added all the Monk episode... I've been binge watching.

Columbo was removed from Netflix so I sent them hate mail then a few death threats.

Before I reveal my 'choice' I have to say.... it nearly came to a coin toss. I like both series that much. There are elements of each that I think are 'better'.

Since you can't add two polls in one thread.... I don't think, I didn't actually try... another question would be: Which detective of those TWO would you least want on your tail? And a third question... which detective EVER would you least like being suspicious of you?

Ok... my choice: I went with Columbo. Put very roughly... I think Columbo is a bit more 'sophisticated' and Monk a bit more slapstick. - JamesJM

  Monk or Columbo....

JamesJM206June 20, 2018 06:52PM