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When your hopes come crashing down... (weather)...

September 05, 2017 08:08AM
The horrendous heat wave we've been in is ebbing, somewhat. However... some cloud cover has come in so the Humidity has shot up.

So I go to Weather.com to see what kind of hell I'm in for and I see "Rain, then more rain, then even more rain".... I'm elated. Shocked, it makes no sense, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

Ah but then... somehow my default location on Weather.com got changed... I was actually looking at Feltwell, England, where my son lives. So I went back and reset weather.com and looked again - and read, "hell, hotter than hell, hell+, inferno".

Just curious... for the last several years now I've noticed that the 'hottest' day of the week is almost invariably Saturday... (football day for youth football )... a few scant exceptions but this holds true nearly ever week. Is this just unfortunate luck or is there some 'science' that can back this up? - JamesJM

  When your hopes come crashing down... (weather)...

JamesJM315September 05, 2017 08:08AM