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Tech question, which Hard Drives have you had the most success with?

April 24, 2017 10:20AM
Or is it a wash?

I'm getting a little disappointed in WD's. (Western Digital)... lost 2 in the last year, neither over 3 years old. Until then I had had really good luck with them.

Lacie was the worst, for me. Every Lacie I ever had, (And Lacie's are supposedly ELITE, and cost $$$$ to prove it), has died before 2 years of age.

My longest lasting HD was a Seagate... 8 years old and still going. I have another Seagate I bought about 3, maybe 4 years ago.. it's also still working. That's the only two Seagates I've ever had but I just bought another last week when my WD died.

So I'm asking a bit late... already purchased, but still.... have a favorite?

  Tech question, which Hard Drives have you had the most success with?

JamesJM359April 24, 2017 10:20AM

  Re: Tech question, which Hard Drives have you had the most success with?

CeeZar251April 24, 2017 11:50AM