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I have worried about the RAMS when they were picking #1....

December 17, 2018 01:35PM
I was worried when we were in the SB.....But as time goes on and things happen in your own life, well for me my worries of the RAMS are over.

So we have lost 2 in a row.....man get a grip....in the near past we would have died to win 2 in a row......

My Mom and my Nephew are in remission with major cancer..others have lost family history and worse lives in Cali..and that's just the beginning of real world. I am not saying fans should not react like fans do...but really ...

1-we are in the playoffs....we are not in the boat all those other teams are....and even there this our 2nd time around....2 year Western Champs and counting.....
2-It's kinda nice to actually expect positive from the team that's been a laugh for years with everyone....
3-going back to # 1....the only teams that still have a chance for the Ring are the teams in the playoffs....

Call out ...yell for firings....call out players...vent your feelings....but come back to Earth for a slight moment and just think about your complaints.....and replace each complaint with a positive thought and I bet your blood pressure will drop...maybe even a smile will come on your face?

The real season hasn't started....most everyone else has to play 16 games and the next season is all they have to look towards....

  I have worried about the RAMS when they were picking #1....

roman18145December 17, 2018 01:35PM