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Reading through Bernie Miklasz's articles from 2015-2017...

November 19, 2018 11:27AM
....it is amazing to re-read how inept this organization was. It is like reliving "The Shining" if you were little Danny Torrance.

My gosh, names like Greg Robinson, Jeff Fisher, junior high offense, Rob Boras, Steve Spagnulo, Scott Linehan, Jason Smith, a year in which they scored 175 in 16 games (Bernie would rank best and worst of STL football history, etc.)...

I will get fired up tonight, but a stark reminder of how far they have come under McVay and Snead after Snisher....

"RED-RUM....Fisher OFFENSE..." ; )

  Reading through Bernie Miklasz's articles from 2015-2017...

ramsfaninmd394November 19, 2018 11:27AM