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Some here w/close ties to pro teams know this but still...

December 30, 2016 06:14AM
The more I hear about professional athletes and football players in particular the more I think most of us have no clue about what REALLY it's like to be on a team and how players are treated, why some get away with a lot more than others and why some guys get cut who you "think" have great talent and we're productive or who can't seem to hook on with another team.

So where am I going with all this?

Thising to Sirius this morning as Bob Papa was interviewing some Jets beat writer who's name now escapes me. The gent was talking about Todd Boles and how "he might treat everyone as adults but a lot of these guys are still kids who have never grown up..." He went in to say that "when you have guys who routinely miss meeting, because maaaaybe their drunk *cough* Wilkerson... you have a problem."

Me personally I HATE when the average Joe says things about a players contract demand like "Let the bum go! I'd play for 1/10 of that!" Because "we" have zero talent to play at a pro level and "we" have not made the enormous physical sacrifices nor met the demands to play at said level BUT when I hear of coaches allowing players to miss ANY meeting/practice/etc because they are drunk it really blows me away and further goes to show why NE has ruled their division for a decade and a half!

What is wrong with sports when any team, no matter the players ability, can't and will not hold players accountable to be on time, sober and well rested to perform their chosen profession?

<steps down from soap box...>

R.I.P. Nelson aka TonyHunter87 1971 - 2017 far too soon..

Your last words to me: "Your a great guy RFIP. I was very sad when you left the board, and your son, but was glad to see you back. Take care my friend, may God be by your side." 09/09/2017 12:58AM

No Nelson, you were a far better man than I, and I am sure an awesome husband and father as well. I will miss you my friend. -RFIP

  Some here w/close ties to pro teams know this but still...

RFIP501December 30, 2016 06:14AM

  Re: Some here w/close ties to pro teams know this but still...

oldschoolramfan220December 30, 2016 07:15AM