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If Kroenke fires Fisher......

September 13, 2016 02:53AM
then what?
Make your p**s poor OC or DC your head coach? Will we see anything different out of that?
I can't stand the thought of seeing Fisher's mug on the sideline any more than anyone else, but I think we are stuck with him.
At least until next Sunday.
I never thought that I would think of the Rams like the '60's to '70's Falcons and Saints, or the expansion Bucs. Miserable, hopeless teams for years and years.

I think we need to drape the photo banner at the top in black. This team is dead.


  If Kroenke fires Fisher......

NewMexicoRam669September 13, 2016 02:53AM

  Just another season of the walking dead...... Attachments

Arkansas Ram434September 13, 2016 03:15AM

  Re: If Kroenke fires Fisher......

EastRam339September 13, 2016 04:30AM

  Combined...200 years old?? Lol nm

RFIP297September 13, 2016 04:44AM

  Re: If Kroenke fires Fisher......

stlrams13288September 13, 2016 04:34AM

  Old School is EXACTLY what this team of Prima Donnas needs!

Ramgator302September 13, 2016 04:41AM

  Croakney likes money. That is all.

Ramgator280September 13, 2016 04:38AM