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Since you are so unfiltered I think you'll actually answer this

February 17, 2012 11:45AM
I wasn't going to ask and have been tossing it around for a few days, but since you speak your mind freely I figured this is a chance to hear it from someone who might tell the truth, or have an idea of what is close to the truth.

We've seen PED use in pretty much every sport skyrocket over the years, its just flat out polluted sports in my opinion. I've always had the mindset that about 4 out of 10 guys are using something like HGH or some other undetectable performance enhancer.

What is your opinion of PED's, the penalties in place in the NFL and what do you think the percentage of players using them actually is?



  Since you are so unfiltered I think you'll actually answer this

LesBaker2159February 17, 2012 11:45AM

  Re: Since you are so unfiltered I think you'll actually answer this

MikeKarney1332February 20, 2012 05:28PM