Thursday Morning We Go Live With The Original HERD Forum
Starting Thursday morning the RamsRule forum will cease to exsist. This Forum will be renamed The Original Herd Forum. All the rules below will start to be enforced.
We are still searching for new software but are having problems finding better software then what we use now that still has the Threaded Look we like to use on the HERD.
New Forum Rules, Must READ NOWStarting Thursday 11/7/13 below are the rules for The Original Herd forum.IMMEDIATE BANNING OFFENSES-Never use two board names,
-No Gay bashing or Racist remarks of any kind
-No threatening anyone with harm
-No Baiting other posters
-No admin harassment
-No personal attacks against other forum posters allowed
-Extreme vulgar language is not allowed at the Herd.
-When masking a vulgar word you may only use ONE letter all other letters must be masked.
-NO vulgar symbols or icons, using keyboard symbols in bad taste is not allowed
-No politics or religion ever allowed.
-No linking any other Rams message board unless you have permission from the admin.
-No selling of any items unless Ok'd by the admin
-If a poster gets OUT OF LINE WITH YOU, let the admin handle it. If you reply in the wrong way you CAN be banned. LET THE ADMIN HANDLE IT! Hit the ALERT button or PM a Admin with the link. We can't be online 24 hrs a day. We will get to the problem as soon as we can.
added 1/5/14, any board member caught POACHING will get a lifetime ban. If you use the boards software to Poach fans to another site you are gone.
THESE ARE WARNING VIOLATIONS, Multiple offensives will result in a infraction.-Football talk ONLY on the HERD BD. All other talk to be done on Bucky's Pub.
-All news articles posted must include the link to the website.
-When posting videos makes sure there is NO Obscene or Vulgar content in the video.
-Rams moving posts must be replied to in a respectful way. Make sure it's NEW news about this topic. Don't post the same stuff over and over about this topic or the posts will be removed or locked.
-ALL RAMS GAME TIME TALK must be posted on the Game-Time Forum which is located in the lobby. Game time posts will be removed if posted on the main bd. Multiple offensives will CAN in banning.
-Only use one picture for your signature. Try to keep it as small as you can and your signature must be in good taste. No baiting.
When this forum is renamed The Original HERD if you break the rules you CAN be banned.Below are the 3 strikes infraction rules.First Strike = One Week Ban
Second Strike = One Month Ban
Third Strike = Permament Ban From Posting On The Original Herd
============Before some of you get upset I have a new (
new meaning there are no posters there but Rambill and I and a few others) forum set up at [] or you can use this URL [] for anyone that doesn't want to comply with the new rules this forum is ready to welcome you posting any way you wish to post. Rambill posts all his news reports there so he will still keep you up to date on any Rams news. It's your choice on where you would like to post. You can pm or e-mail Shaky if you have a problem signing up.
shakygiambino@hotmail.comIF you get a banned message when trying to register at the forum just ignore it. PM or e-mail and I'll go in and approve your registration.Edited 9 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2014 03:32AM by Shaky.