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RIP Karen....

October 08, 2019 05:59AM
Original Mouseketeer. She lived in Fresno but no, I never met her. She was paralyzed from the waist down by a car accident many years ago. Did community work.

Ever get that question about who in the world you would most like to meet? I always used to answer that question by saying "Any of the astronauts thru the Apollo missions or any of the original Mouseketeers".... I'm not sure that's accurate, but it could be.

Perhaps the most traumatic moment of my life came about when I entered 2nd grade... because starting in second grade you had to remain in school until 2:30.... 2:45 before the busses left, and anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes for the bus to arrive at my house.. Micky Mouse Club started at 3... the chances were good I'd miss the first few minutes. I was aware that bad things happen in life... like being abducted by aliens, nuclear war, death... but that all paled in comparison to missing the Mickey Mouse Club.

Lost a good friend in Karen. Like her to know how important she was to me during those formative years... but I'm sure she did. - JamesJM

  RIP Karen....

JamesJM221October 08, 2019 05:59AM