January 10, 2025 03:15PM
... and, I hope he gets to wear a monitor for alcohol presence in the blood, has his license suspended until further review after a suitable period, and is placed in whatevcer correctional programs are available and designed to change his behavior. He needs to be off the streets and held accountable.

Whatever else happens with Quinn, society needs to be protected from further incidents that could ruin or end the lives of innocent people. Thank God he only crashed into three empty cars and didn't kill somebody - or himself - this time.

Beyond that I hope and pray that he utilizes his own resources and support asystem, plus the prayers from those of us here on this board to redeem the time and restore his life.

I lament for him.

Despite his talent and noteriety, he has critical and quite likely undiagnosed issues to deal with.

He was arrested in 2023 for, among other things, assault. His late career is checkered with charges of domestic abiuse, substance abuse, and drunk driving.

During his NFL playing career he was concussed at least once that was detected and cause him to miss playing time. Did he suffer other undetected concussions or brain injuries? We don't know.

As a senior in high school he missed playing time due to surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. He resumed football in college. After leaving the Rams he was again has surgery to remove a brain tumorin 2016. He was medfically cleared to return to the NFL and retired in 2021.

He and his wife were married in 2013 and have two children. He is a Christian. He is charity-minded and civic minded. He supports causes for disadvantaged kids back in his old home town.

His mother, a native Puerto Rican, died when Robert was four. He wa raised by his father, a USAF career serviceman, and his stepmother.

His net worth, as of last month, is $24 million.

There is more - but this much povides plenty of dots to connect in possibly understanding Robert Quinni - instead of writing him off as another out-of-hand, drunken and irresponsible ex-football player.

I'm not sure what to make of all this but I have some thoughts. What are yours?

  Robert Quinn arrested again....

Rampage2K-330January 10, 2025 12:27PM

  Re: I hope he gets the help he needs...

mtramfan65January 10, 2025 03:15PM